by Editor | Apr 1, 2024 | Fishing
By Mark Romanack Few outdoor activities are more rewarding than spending time chasing a favorite species on and off the water — allowing you to camp and fish more. Fishing is always a great time, but what an angler does off the water can enhance the outdoor experience...
by Editor | Feb 12, 2024 | Gear
An inevitable part of owning and loving a hunting dog is injury and mitigating how our four-legged best friends could get hurt — it isn’t IF it will happen, it’s when. Our dogs are predisposed to injury given the nature of their work and the environmental factors they...
by Editor | Dec 13, 2023 | Conservation
Michigan United Conservation Clubs CEO Amy Trotter attends week-long, intensive trappers college training in Indiana. By Amy Trotter, MUCC CEO Maybe fur harvesting is in my blood. Through the extensive genealogy work of a distant cousin, I recently learned that my...
by Editor | Dec 4, 2023 | Conservation
Managers and policymakers need to get creative to solve 21st-century issues plaguing the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. By Dr. Russ Mason For decades, the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAM) and its’ seven foundational pillars...
by Editor | Sep 28, 2023 | Conservation
Instilling the value of purchasing a youth license into the next generation is paramount By Randy Claramunt, MDNR Fisheries Division Chief In the three months since becoming the new Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division chief, I have been working...